We've heard and read several times about the ShoeBox Apartments in Hong Kong, but how small is it? We've decided to try it out when we had to book our accommodation. Instead of booking a hotel, we booked a one night stay at Chung King Mansions!
We arrived close to midnight and thought that there's no harm to just try staying for a night...
Unlike our pleasant stay at Dorsett Mongkok, Hong Kong, this was an extremely cramp room... First, Chun King Mansions was a dark and scary building.. There were multiple lift lobbies so you'll have to look for the right one that leads up to your guesthouse.
The lifts were old and creaky, and there were so many people heading in and out that you often would have to squeeze in the small lift with many others. Thereafter, once you've arrived at the right floor, there's just a simple signboard of the guesthouse and you'll have to ring the doorbell to get someone to open it for you.
After completing all the necessary registrations, you'll then be given a key. Don't be too shocked when you open the door!

This unedited photograph is what'll greet you. You'll see a bed, and there's almost not much space left for you to walk. While we booked a room with a private bathroom, it really is just a tiny space....

The shower area is right above the toilet bowl area. So when you shower, the entire toilet will be wet! The sink is also too small for you to wash up and you'll end up wetting the area beside as well!
We've tried it so that you don't have to! Or if you are adventurous, or even just to get a cheap night's stay! You can book your stay for less than $50 SGD on Booking.com. There are multiple guest houses there and this is just one of it!
Note that this stay is already considered luxurious for the standards of many Hong Kong citizens. Many of them are living in much smaller spaces without their own bathrooms!